pcic 2022 华为因果推理挑战赛 PCIC 2022 华为因果推理挑战赛


pcic 2022 华为因果推理挑战赛 PCIC 2022 华为因果推理挑战赛

来源:未知 作者:佚名 发布时间:2022-12-16 17:32:08

PCIC 2022 华为因果推理挑战赛0cc拜客生活常识网

Figure 1: The Architecture of home broadband network0cc拜客生活常识网

PCIC 2022 华为因果推理挑战赛0cc拜客生活常识网

Figure 2:Causal Recommendation System0cc拜客生活常识网

The competition winners will be awarded cash prizes and winner certificates, and will be invited to give talks at the PCIC 2022 competition workshop.0cc拜客生活常识网

We look forward to your participation!0cc拜客生活常识网



September 18, 2022: Competition opens.0cc拜客生活常识网

September 27, 2022: The first phase starts at 11:59 pm Beijing Time ( UTC +8 ) .0cc拜客生活常识网

October 25, 2022: Registration and team formation end at 11:59 pm Beijing Time.0cc拜客生活常识网

October 27, 2022: The first phase ends.0cc拜客生活常识网

October 29, 2022: Team rankings announced.0cc拜客生活常识网

November 1, 2022: The second phase starts at 11:59 pm Beijing Time.0cc拜客生活常识网

November 15, 2022: Competition ends at 11:59 pm Beijing Time.0cc拜客生活常识网

November 22, 2022: Winning teams are announced.0cc拜客生活常识网

December 3, 2022: Winning teams are invited to deliver a technical presentation at the competition workshop.0cc拜客生活常识网

The final ranks of the winning teams will be determined by the competition committee based on the leaderboard scores from the automated evaluation as well as the technical merits of the solutions.0cc拜客生活常识网



Total prize amount ( USD ) for each track: $5,000.0cc拜客生活常识网

1st place: $2,0000cc拜客生活常识网

2nd and 3rd place: $1,0000cc拜客生活常识网

4th and 5th place: $5000cc拜客生活常识网

For more information, please visit the competition website or scan the QR code below:0cc拜客生活常识网

Causal-based transfer learning track:0cc拜客生活常识网

Predict user movie tag preference track:0cc拜客生活常识网



诺亚方舟实验室是华为的 AI 能力研究中心,立足于人工智能基础算法研究,聚焦打造数据高效和能耗高效的 AI 引擎。实验室广泛分布于世界各地,在香港、深圳、北京、上海、西安、伦敦、巴黎、多伦多、蒙特利尔、埃德蒙顿等均设有研发分部。0cc拜客生活常识网

诺亚的使命是通过在人工智能、数据挖掘及相关领域的持续创新,为公司和社会做出重大贡献。在创新的每一个阶段,基于长期和重大项目驱动,我们追求在 AI 相关领域打造最先进技术,助力公司提供更好的产品和服务。0cc拜客生活常识网

作为一个世界级的实验室,诺亚正在全力推进 AI 各领域的前端研发,我们勇于面对人工智能和大数据时代的挑战与机遇,秉承 " 把数字世界带入每个人、每个家庭、每个组织,构建万物互联的智能世界 " 这一理念,通过全流程智能化,彻底改进人们工作和生活的方式,以及公司开展业务的模式。0cc拜客生活常识网

诺亚的研究领域主要集中在计算视觉、语音和自然语言处理、推荐系统和搜索引擎、决策推理、AI 基础理论五大方向,自 2012 年创立至今,现已发展成为一个在学术界和工业界都取得了重大成就的研究机构。我们欢迎有才华的研究人员和工程师加入我们,共筑人类在人工智能时代的梦想。0cc拜客生活常识网

The Noah ’ s Ark Lab is the AI research center for Huawei Technologies, located in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, Xi ’ an, London, Paris, Toronto, Montreal, Edmonton, etc.0cc拜客生活常识网

The mission of the lab is to make significant contributions to both the company and society by innovating in artificial intelligence, data mining and related fields. Mainlydriven by long term and big impact projects, research in the lab also tries to advance the state of the art in the fields as well as to harness the products and services of the company, at each stage of the innovation process.0cc拜客生活常识网

As a world class research lab, we are pushing the frontier of research and development in all areas that we work in.We dare to address both the challenges and opportunities in this era of AI and big data, to revolutionize the ways in which people work and live, and the ways in which companies do business, through intelligentization of all processes, with the slogan 'from big data to deep knowledge'.0cc拜客生活常识网

Research areas of the lab mainly include computer vision, natural language processing, search & recommendation, decision and reasoning ,AI theory.0cc拜客生活常识网

Founded in 2012, the lab has now grown to be a research organization with many significant achievements in both academia and industry. We welcome talented researchers and engineers to join us to realize their dreams.

本文标题:pcic 2022 华为因果推理挑战赛 PCIC 2022 华为因果推理挑战赛 - 知识百科

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